Google Analytics
Google analytics provides an amazing amount of data about your site. It allows you to see the effect of a newsletter, adverts or some other marketing campaign. You can see where your traffic is coming from and even see what your users are clicking on.
Analytics is very straight forward to set up from the Drupal side, all you need is your analytics account set up.
Go to:
- Click 'Sign up' and follow the instructions to set up your account
- Sign into your Google account
- Click on Analytics
- Click sign up and follow the instructions (If you don't have a domain name set up you can enter any address and change it later)
- When you get to the end click 'Save'
You should now see a summary screen showing your site copy the code next to it starting: UA-
Now on your site:
- Go to: Site configuration > Google Analytics
- Paste in your tracking code
- Select 'Save tracking code locally' and save
- Go back to Google Analytics
- Click edit next to your site
- Click Check status and you should see it has picked up your site
If Google couldn't find your site first view the source of the homepage of your website and scroll to the bottom. View source is available via your browser under something like View > Source, the Firefox shortcut is Ctrl + U.
Near the bottom you should see some text between <script type="text/javascript"></script> tags and near the bottom of that you should see your tracking code.